Welcome to Partick Trinity
Our morning service is at 11 am every Sunday morning. We meet together to worship, learn, and to enjoy friendship and community.
We welcome people of all ages, all church backgrounds or none, and especially those thinking about the Christian faith for the first time.
When you arrive a member of our Welcome Team can show you where to go.

What to expect
At the heart of our church life is worship, prayer and the Bible, and this is reflected in our services. As well as time for prayer and singing, we read and study the Bible together as we consider what it says, what it means, and why it matters. This teaching typically takes the form of a 25 minute talk (or ‘sermon’) and is recorded and available online.
At the end of the service, we serve tea, coffee, juice and biscuits in the hospitality area at the back of the sanctuary. You are welcome to stay around for a coffee, ask questions and find out more.

What about Children?
We are an all-age church. Children and families are more than welcome. During the first hour of the service, children have the chance to enjoy a programme catered for them. Everyone comes together for the final 15 mins of the service.
Babies and pre-schoolers are invited to Créche, whilst those of primary school age have their own group: BLAST. We have a large and experienced team of volunteers (all our Créche and BLAST volunteers have full PVG disclosure), and visitors are very welcome. At the door, you will be directed to where our children’s groups meet.
We are very used to babies feeding and babbling in our services and understand that mums and dads might need to pop in and out during the service. Please relax! We are delighted to have you with us.

Where do I go?
You can enter the church building through our main doors in the middle of our building on Laurence Street, or using the access ramp around the corner on Eilie Street. If Lawrence Street doors aren’t open, press the “hospitality” buzzer and there is a door bell at the Eilie Street entrance.
On street parking on Sundays is free, Pay and Display before 6pm on other days.