Sunday worship: no longer empty
Sunday Worship: The book of Ruth tells a beautiful story about ordinary people in difficult circumstances. The question that hangs in the
Sunday Worship: The book of Ruth tells a beautiful story about ordinary people in difficult circumstances. The question that hangs in the
We would be delighted to see you at our Sunday services. However, if you are unable to attend and would
What to expect when you come to church We have been given a green light to re-open our building for prayer and
Sunday Worship: Are you strong enough? Are you up to the task? 2 Corinthians explores a paradox at the heart of the
Sunday Worship: Amid all the talk (hopeful or cynical) of resetting society and 'building back better', what does Jesus have to offer?
This is a personal reflection written by Rona, part of our church family. The account of the disciples' reaction to the resurrection
Sunday Worship: When people mess up (they do!) and circumstances turn against you (what a year we've had!), where is God? And
Sunday Worship: During the early weeks of lockdown, we joined Jesus and his closest friends tucked away from the world in an
Sunday Worship: We have been looking at 1 Corinthians 15, Paul’s great chapter on the theme of resurrection. Paul joins the dots
Following the latest Government guidance, we will no longer we gathering for worship on Sunday mornings. Every week a video will