Sunday Worship:
When people mess up (they do!) and circumstances turn against you (what a year we’ve had!), where is God? And what on earth is God doing?
We have been looking at Genesis 37-50, the sweeping story of Jacob and his sons. This is a family with a tendency to cause chaos and pain, but God has committed to blessing the world through them.
The links below will take you to a video for each Sunday. The videos include songs (with words, so you can follow along and join in), readings, prayers, and reflections. You will find it helpful to have a bible in front of you.
28th June – Because of the shepherd – Genesis 43-45, 49.
21st June – Yes, the past can hurt – Genesis 42
14th June – Your will be done – Genesis 40-41:40
30th May – She is more righteous – Genesis 38
24th May – Things fall apart – Genesis 37:12-36
17th May – Lighting the fuse – Genesis 37:2-11
*** On Sunday 31st May we are also joining others from across Scotland to celebrate Pentecost – the service will be streamed online here
Additional Resources:
19th May – An awakening – Genesis 28:10-22
This written reflection considers an earlier episode in the life of Jacob.
11th June – Forgotten – Genesis 40
Readings that address the difficult question of whether God will remember his people and promises.
16th June – New Clothes – Genesis 41:41-52
This written reflection considers the dramatic shape of Joseph’s life.