Sunday Worship:

During the early weeks of lockdown, we joined Jesus and his closest friends tucked away from the world in an empty room.  The tension is building, and a storm is about to break.

The links below will take you to a video for each Sunday, and an additional video for Good Friday.  The videos include songs (with words, so you can follow along and join in), readings, prayers, and reflections.  You will find it helpful to have a bible in front of you.

29th March – Who is Jesus Christ, for us, today? – John 13:1-11

5th April – Do not let your hearts be troubled – John 14:1-14

10th April – Good Friday – John 16:16-33 & John 19:1-30

12th April – Easter Sunday – John 20:1-18

Additional Resources:

This series was introduced in a mini-update video.

There is also a series of written reflections for Holy Week:

7th April –  Promised Peace – 14:15-31

8th April – Belonging & Beloved – John 15:1-17

9th April – For Better, For Worse – John 15:18-25